Cloudflare Web Analytics

After resisting adding any web analytics to this domain, and even bragging about it, I’m giving in to get at least some insights about traffic patterns and visitors, in a privacy focused manner – I’m not selling anything here.

I want to primarily use data around which posts are getting the most visits to think of ideas for future entries. Secondarily, I want to check out the products in this space available right now, having used GA extensively in the past but knowing that it has lost the battle to privacy considerations and feature bloat now.

A quick search showed that Cloudflare has a nice lightweight solution in Web Analytics. Setup is similar to any JS-based trackers that require you to add a snippet to all pages but gets even easier as clicking one button if you’re already using Cloudflare for serving your site (which I’m doing for now).

And voila! 🎉

CloudFlare Web Analytics