Hard to find the highlights

I was trying out a new form of an annual review where it mentioned going through the previous year week by week and writing down your highlights. I opened up my calendar, and even after considering myself a good user of the app, it was really difficult to find a highlight for each month (let alone each week). I’m not sure if I would have a better luck with any other app (starred emails, maybe? Definitely not the photos app for me, personally).

Anyway, I realised a couple of things:

  • A year is a long time. You don’t really remember all of the highs (and lows) of the year, even with the aid of digital artifacts.
  • Secondly, I should do a better job of documenting my own life. Whether it’s using the calendar or some other app, I need to better document by highs and lows, so I can look back upon everything easier.

I’m not journaling at the moment. Maybe, I’ll start for this purpose.