One for the road

It’s Friday. I have only one thing really planned for the day. Open up a chilled beer, put on The Grand Tour and laugh furiously with the gents, for what I’m hoping is not, but what very likely is their last time together on TV. 🥹🍻

I’m really not sure when I started watching Top Gear. I think it’s around the time I was in high school when maybe my older brother recommended it. I don’t remember I even got it then, I wasn’t really into cars back then. I really became a fan in university when the entire series was readily available via local network sharing. I must’ve watched it countless times, sometimes just to lift up spirits, sometimes when I was missing friends, sometimes, surprisingly, for a specific car review (like the Tesla!).

For fans like me, it’s an end of an era. It’s saying goodbye to friends for a shared hobby we bonded over.