Pause & Smell the Roses

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Ferris Bueller

I had a few self-indulgent days in a row over the past weekend where I was not very productive. By Sunday afternoon, I was experiencing this guilt for enjoying myself without being “productive”. It’s not a unique feeling, it’s especially likely to be experienced by anyone who lives, works or was raised in a soceity with a very sacred, prudish attitude to labouring “work”.

I almost got sucked in by the guilt trap, I was just about to start making plans for the next week but then decided against it. I wasn’t going to continue to let future anxieties ruin the present moment. I had other future things to look forward to – like spending time with people who I love doing things I love, and I’m never associating a negative feeling with this.

Make sure you too don’t miss the forest for the trees.