Use LLMs for medical guidance

I know I might be repeating myself, but LLMs are cool and useful. Currently, I’m navigating decision making for getting a surgery done for a family member and using LLMs (specifically, Perplexity Pro) has been a massive advantage. Even the really clear doctors are a little unclear for the average person (maybe you just need more context, and doctors don’t have infinite time for individual patients), so it’s really nice to bounce questions off to an LLM, get the necessary context and go back with better information and follow-up questions. It’s really awesome having an “intelligent” assistant in your corner for such situations. While I hope you never need to, next time you’re confused about any medical issue, use LLMs for guidance (and I mean guidance, don’t substitute them for health care professionals). A good first start would be to talk to it about your issue and give you a list of questions to ask your doctor.