Relive your childhood

Last year, I did something crazy with my hair – I got them straightened. The reactions ranged were all across the scale, and as is often with my hair experiments, people shared their feedback and I was delighted in listening to it all. With a huge smile. Everyone close to me knows that I experiment with my hair often, and sometimes the experiments don’t land perfectly. That’s OK! I’ll continue to do so until I have any left – I’m not the person who chooses a hairstyle in high school, and carries it all the way to their grave.

In this particular instance, I had a close friend earnestly exclaim “why would you do this?! You’re not 16 anymore!!“. I was laughing!

The truth is that I wanted to do this when I was 16 but I didn’t have the means then. I do now, and I’ll be damned if I don’t go through with this seemingly silly childhood aspiration now. You should do it too! Anything you were denied or missed out on while growing up, do it now if you have the opportunity and means to now. Don’t care about seemingly looking silly – I’ll guarantee it that you will have the biggest grin on your face.