Sabbatical - TL;DR

After spending close to 6 years with my previous employer, in a variety of roles, I was a little burnt out. I wouldn’t want to blame everyone else apart from myself for this situation – I might go into details in a future post – but I knew I had to sacrifice the comfort of a steady paycheck or be forever haunted by what-ifs.

So, the TL;DR is that I’m taking at least a year off to not work i.e. I don’t want steady employment during this time period. I’m less sure about what I do want from this sabbatical, but it involves spending more time with people I like, on hobbies I enjoy, on habits I should’ve developed years ago and on giving a genuine shot at launching some ramen-profitable ideas.

I’ll keep sharing my progress on various explorations over time, but I feel the most valuable returns for this break aren’t tangible – like having healthier relationships and a healthier self.